Sunday, June 01, 2008

ASE: Inducts ITIL process in an orderly way, do not attempt complete the wholes set immediately.

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The reporter Whiffen Yang reported after the speech by ASE group information Vice-president Mincheng Sheng.

After ITIL becomes international standard ISO 20000 officially, more and more enterprises improve their IT service management with ITIL methodology gradually. This ASE example shares their ITIL induction information with public.

The ASE inducts is also quite complete, a key point must be mentioned is whether Acer or ASE inducts the ITIL processes, both has adopted with the same pattern which proceeds in an orderly way.

ASE group information Vice-president Mincheng Sheng shares ASE’s experience on ITIL induction by itSMF Taiwan branch's invitation. “The enterprise inducts ITIL framework which should better be adopts the processes on proceeding in an orderly way, do not attempt to complete ITIL framework immediately, the reason is setting the scope is too big at the beginning, the cost on investment must be increasing naturally. The disagreement will be prompted on the boss side easily. Therefore enterprise should start from the point which has highest benefit and the smallest impulse.” he said.

By the ASE's experience, we starts from Service Level Management on the entrance of ITIL project induction before more than two years ago, then progresses gradually to the Change Management, as well as Incident Management and Problem Management and such. Mincheng Sheng said that besides both ASE and Acer starts to invest ITIL is also adopts the process on expand the scope with gradual growth way. ASE faces to the configuration management information database (CMDB) and the Change Management slowly extended recently.

Many people thought that inducts ITIL is must spend a lot of money, parts on buying many tools. Then can complete the IT service management truly, but as ASE inducts ITIL not to spend many money. Mincheng Sheng said. Take the example on the establishment on CMDB, ASE implement CMDB with their own method, has not invested too many money on tool purchasing. Because of CMDB is the key mainly, don’t matter the tool itself, just keep going on the flow improvement and the management. In term of the CMDB part, actually there does not have any information service provider to be possible to provide suggestion to the enterprise explicitly, how can the enterprise measure the achievement to be able to have the help to the IT management.

According to the ASE's procedure is caring the most important system. Mincheng Sheng explained that ITIL is talking about the flow management actually. However, in all the practice operation, each flow has the different priority, enterprise should take care their important software and hardware system, for example: ERP, the server or the storage. And also carry on the strict management, which can probably fit IT service requirement about 95%~98%.

In the past, the role of IT just focuses on solving problems. That idea was not make sense. After inducting ITIL, IT department may along to the SLA agreement to provide IT the service which matches the request initiatively.

Mincheng Sheng suggested that each enterprise should induct ITIL, because inducts ITIL really has the advantage; it will let IT changed differently compare to the former. After inducting ITIL, might reduce IT the Operation Cost effectively. In term of ASE’s experience, in the past wanted we need about 250 did a matter personally, so long as now the same matter only 70 people can complete it. Moreover, enterprise might control all the events and the processing status by the daily report. Do more with few resources this benefit should have the opportunity in each enterprise.

In my opinion, each enterprise wants to use a limit cost to have more benefits under high competition environment. This idea also can be seen on the ASE case as well. With some one’s story illustrate their reaping, we can not feeling truly, only if we confirms the advantage on IT government personally.

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